





"Incommunicative" people often prefer to spend time alone, avoiding social interactions. They may feel uncomfortable when talking to others, or feel that their words cannot express their true thoughts and feelings. As a result, they may withdraw into their own worlds, becoming increasingly isolated from others.

While some degree of introversion is normal and even beneficial, excessive introversion can lead to social anxiety, depression and other psychological problems. Moreover, in a society where communication is essential for building relationships and achieving success, being incommunicative can limit one's opportunities and hinder personal growth.


The rise of digital technology in recent years has also contributed to the problem of incommunicativeness. With the advent of smartphones, social media and other digital communication tools, people now have more ways than ever to communicate with others. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are becoming better at communicating. On the contrary, many people are now spending more time interacting with their devices than with other human beings, leading to a decline in face
