



Marmolite, also known as magnesium carbonate, is a mineral that has been used for centuries in various applications, including agriculture, construction, and as a natural dietary supplement. This white, crystalline solid is the magnesium salt of carbonic acid and is often found in the form of powder or granules.


Marmolite is a versatile mineral that has a wide range of uses. In agriculture, it is commonly used as a soil amendment to increase the pH level of acidic soil, making it more suitable for plant growth. Additionally, it is used as a livestock feed supplement to provide magnesium, an essential mineral for animal health.

In the construction industry, marmolite is used as a raw material in the production of bricks, concrete, and mortar. Its high magnesium content contributes to the strength and durability of these building materials. Furthermore, marmolite is often used as a fireproofing agent in construction due to its ability to withstand high temperatures.


Marmolite is also used in the production of glass and ceramic products. It is added to glass recipes to lower the melting point of the glass, making it easier to work with during the manufacturing process. In ceramics, marmolite is used as a flux, a material that lowers the melting point of clay and other ceramic materials.

In addition to its industrial uses, marmolite is also used in the field of medicine. It is known for its anti
